The Connection Blog Series

Ah, wedding planning—the exhilarating whirlwind that makes your heart race, your mind buzz, and your Pinterest boards multiply like rabbits. Amidst the frenzy of picking out dresses, cakes, and centerpieces, there's one crucial ingredient that often gets overlooked: the almighty wedding vendors.

Now, let's get one thing straight. These are not just your run-of-the-mill service providers in suit coats and Gucci flats. Oh no! They are the real MVPs who will take your special day from ordinary to extraordinary. They possess the magical powers to transform your vision into a living, breathing celebration. But how do you find the right ones? Well, my friend, the answer lies in "The Connection”, a monthly blog series that dives deeper into some of the vendor highlights from our Instagram.

Picture this: a love-at-first-sight moment, not with your future spouse (we'll get to that later), but with the vendors who will bring your wedding dreams to life. It's like discovering that elusive perfect pair of shoes—except, instead of just looking fabulous, these vendors make your heart skip a beat with their extraordinary talents and genuine human connection.

You see, the secret sauce to finding the crème de la crème of wedding vendors is all about connecting on a deeper level. It's about discovering those professionals who not only excel at their craft but also understand your unique quirks, your story, and the grand vision you have for your special day. It's like finding a long-lost friend who just happens to be a genius at creating awe-inspiring floral arrangements or capturing timeless moments behind a camera.

When you forge a connection with your wedding vendors, trust me, it's a game-changer. You're no longer just "Client #4587"; you become a team—a dream team, if you will. They become your partners-in-crime, your creative co-conspirators, and your wedding planning superheroes. Together, you'll navigate the daunting sea of choices, effortlessly sidestep potential disasters, and create a celebration that is authentically YOU.

So, my dear readers, in this blog series aptly named "The Connection," I'm thrilled to introduce you to the rockstars of our personal favorite vendor squad. These are the vendors who wowed me with their jaw-dropping talent, and created memories that will forever be etched in our hearts.

Get ready to meet the photographers who can capture the twinkle in your eye, the caterers who can turn taste buds into a work of art, and the artists who can make your stick drawings into masterpieces that would put Piacsso to shame. But more than that, get ready to discover the human connection—the secret ingredient that will help you find the vendors you can trust with your wildest dreams.

So, buckle up, my fellow adventurers, as we embark on a journey filled with laughter, inspiration, and a whole lot of wedding wizardry. Together, we'll navigate the world of wedding planning armed with wit, charm, and an unwavering belief in the power of connection. Let the festivities begin!


The Connection: Penstruck Design


Wedding Favors, I Love